skipped workouts to save your body from over exhaustion, and drank one too many cups of coffee? Yep, that’s been my week. 🌙 (Case and point this late night arrival to your inbox).
An opportunity came up that required a fast turn around time and added to my plate. I could have said no to, but it’s such a fun opportunity I didn’t wanna pass up on. It’ll be a design for the community that I live in with more eyes on a design I’ve ever made. Honestly, I can’t wait to share the final piece with you!
I also had some high blood pressure moments and a whirl wind of emotions enrolling Elsie into public school part time. I anticipate some separation anxiety for the two of us me. It’s me. I’m the one that’s anxious. Anxiety aside, I’m so excited to help broaden her circle of friends and explore how she wants/gets to learn – to show her she has options for ways to learn. And I’m excited to have some unique time with Emma on her homeschooling without having to be pulled in different learning directions.
Speaking of excitement, have you fully grasped all the glory that is Melissa Eich’s new website? It’s crafted from the Margarita template by Tonic and I had the pleasure of adding my design magic to make it fit her brand and uniquely hers.
Here’s what’s on the menu for your website:
⚡ 15% Off Now: Ready to dive in? Grab any template with 15% off, and let’s start crafting your dream website today.
⚡ 20% Off in the Fall: Feeling the autumn vibes already? Stay tuned for Tonic’s fall launch, where you can snag any template for 20% off. (I’ll keep you posted on the dates!)
⚡ Customization Magic: Whether it’s now or later, I’ll work with you to transform the template into a website that reflects your unique brand, just like I did for Melissa.
I’ve said this before and I’ll die on this hill every time: templates are the shit. They’re time savers (say goodbye to burnout and late nights), money savers (more money for additional brand assets and marketing), and consistency slayers (brand awareness foreverrrr).
So, whether you’re ready to shake things up with a bespoke website or a Margarita twist – I’ve got you boo. 🍹
Use the code HeyCarl! at checkout today. If you have any hesitations or questions on which template to get, feel free to reach out or book a VIP day and get it tailored for you.
P.S. Keep an eye out for my podcast episode with Colie James about motherhood, homeschool and work/life balance (LOL, still working on that last one) that airs this Monday.

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